Assignment 01: Basic Website

build a basic website about yourself

Due Friday, 02/03 by 11:59 pm


For your first assignment, you will make a basic website consisting of two pages. The first page, index.html, should be a basic page welcoming visitors to your site. Here’s an example of my welcome page:

The second page, about.html, is an “about me” page. It should give some basic biorgraphical information, along with anything else you’d like to share with the world. Here’s my simple example:


The main purpose of this of this assignment is to familiarize you with the basic structure and syntax of HTML. You are not meant to make a site that is especially beautiful. Rather, the main goal is for you to interact with basic HTML patterns and get them into your muscle memory. Thus, it is imperative that you type your website content by hand. I would even recommend turning off any autocompletion features that your text editor/IDE may have. The physical act of typing the HTML will likely make the syntax and structure more memorable.

Additionally, the “about me” page will give me the opportunity to get to know you a bit.


Your page must consist of two files, index.html and about.html. Both files must consist of only plain HTML (no styling, javascript, etc.) You can use this minimal html template (right click to download), but you should write the rest of the html code for your submission by hand.

  • index.html must contain:
    • an HTML title
    • a level one heading for the page title
    • a short paragraph welcoming the world to your site
    • a link to the “about me” page
  • about.html must contain:
    • an HTML title
    • a level one heading for the page title
    • two or more sub-headings for different sections
    • several short paragraphs including some italic text and some boldface text—aim for 200–400 words total
    • an unordered list of items
    • an ordered list of items
    • a link that brings the reader back to the main (index) page

Beyond these specifications, feel free to have fun with the content of your page! You can include additional elements/content as long as you include the elements listed above.

Again, please do not include any formatting, styling, or anything other than basic HTML.


10 points total

  • 5 points: valid HTML submitted
  • 5 points: contains all spcified elements and functionality