Will Rosenbaum
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool

Office:George Holt Building H2.16B
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3GB
Email: {firstinitial}.{lastname}🐌liverpool.ac.uk
Hello, and welcome! As of July 2024, I am a lecturer (assistant professor) in computer science at the University of Liverpool. My main research interests are in theoretical computer science, particularly distributed computing, the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, and computational complexity.
Before coming to Liverpool, I was an assistant professor of computer science at Amherst College. Previously I had postdoctoral positions in the Algorithms and Complexity group at Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken, Germany hosted by Christoph Lenzen, and in the School of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University hosted by Boaz Patt-Shamir. I completed my PhD in the mathematics department at UCLA under the supervision of Rafail Ostrovsky, and I did my undergrad at Reed College.
When I am not exploring the theoretical boundaries of computation, I enjoy cooking, playing piano, hiking, photography, snowboarding, and brewing beer. I currently live in Liverpool with my wife Alivia, our daughter, dog Finnegan, and two cats, Pip and Posy.
You can download my CV in PDF format here.