Lecture 23: A Queue Without Locks & Progress

COSC 273: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Spring 2023


  1. Homework 03 Posted Soon
    • due Friday, April 14th
  2. Final Projects Announced Soon
    • small groups
  3. Short quiz on Friday, April 7th
    • Given two implementations, which is faster?
    • Reason about parallelism/locality of reference

Question From Last Time

Is it possible to implement a (sequentially consistent? linearizable?) queue without locks?

Enqueue Without Locks

What could go wrong with concurrent enq?

    public void enq (T value) {
        Node nd = new Node(value);
        tail.next = nd;
        tail = nd;

Possible Linearization Point?

    public void enq (T value) {
        Node nd = new Node(value);
        tail.next = nd;
        tail = nd;

New Tech: AtomicReferences

// an AtomicReference pointing to someNode
var nd = new AtomicReference<Node>(someNode);

// try to update nd to refer to updated
nd.compareAndSet(expected, update);

Effect of compareAndSet(expected, update):

  • if nd’s current value is expected, then update value to update
    • return true
  • if nd’s current value is not expected, do not update its value
    • return false

How Could Atomic References Help?

When can(‘t) we update tail.next and tail?

    public void enq (T value) {
        Node nd = new Node(value);
        tail.next = nd;
        tail = nd;

Enqueue Idea

To do:

  1. update tail.next to nd
  2. update tail to nd

Under what conditions can we apply these?

  • Can update tail.next only if tail.next == null
  • Try to update tail.next to nd:
    1. set last to tail, next to tail.next
    2. check if last is still null
    3. update last.next to nd only if last.next is still null
    4. if 3 fails, try to update tail to next

Enqueue Idea in Pictures


public class LockFreeQueue<T> implements SimpleQueue<T> {
    private AtomicReference<Node> head;
    private AtomicReference<Node> tail;
    public void enq(T item) {...}
    public T deq() throws EmptyException {...}
    class Node {
        public T value;
        public AtomicReference<Node> next;

Lock Free enq

    public void enq(T item) {
	if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException();	
	Node node = new Node(item);
	while (true) {
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = last.next.get();
	    if (last == tail.get()) {
		if (next == null) {
		    if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) 
			tail.compareAndSet(last, node);	return;
		} else {
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);}}}}

Linearization Point (if any)?

    public void enq(T item) {
	if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException();	
	Node node = new Node(item);
	while (true) {
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = last.next.get();
	    if (last == tail.get()) {
		if (next == null) {
		    if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) 
			tail.compareAndSet(last, node);	return;
		} else {
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);}}}}


How could we redesign deq?

    public T deq() throws EmptyException {
	    if (head.next == null){throw new EmptyException();}
	    value = head.next.value;
	    head = head.next;
            return value;

Comparing Progress

Which lock is “better?”

  • UnboundedQueue?
  • LockFreeQueue?

UnboundedQueue Enqueue

    public void enq (T value) {
	try {
	    Node nd = new Node(value);
	    tail.next = nd;
	    tail = nd;
	} finally {

LockFreeQueue Enqueue

    public void enq(T item) {
	if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException();	
	Node node = new Node(item);
	while (true) {
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = last.next.get();
	    if (last == tail.get()) {
		if (next == null) {
		    if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) 
			tail.compareAndSet(last, node);	return;
		} else {
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);}}}}

UnboundedQueue Progress

Guarantee: Starvation Freedom (assuming lock is starvation-free)

  • if all pending method calls continue to take steps, then every pending method call completes in a finite number of steps

  • this is blocking progress: if even one thread stops taking steps, then all other threads can be impeded

Question. When is this “good?”

LockFreeQueue Progress

Guarantee: Lock Freedom

  • if some pending method call makes progress, then some pending method call completes in a finite number of steps

  • this is nonblocking progress: if some threads stall, others are still guaranteed to make progress

Question. When is this “good?”

Which Guarantee Is Better

  1. Starvation Freedom?
  2. Lock Freedom?

Progress, 4 Ways

Blocking Progress:

  • deadlock freedom if all threads take steps, some completes in finite time
  • starvation freedom if all threads take steps, all complete in finite time

Nonblocking Progress:

  • lock freedom if some threads take steps, some completes in finite time
  • wait freedom all threads taking steps complete in finite time

What About Performance?

Demo: concurrent-queues.zip

Coming Up

  • Lock Implementations
  • Concurrent Linked Lists