Lecture 22: More on Concurrent Queues

COSC 273: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Spring 2023


  1. Homework 03 Posted Soon
    • due Friday, April 14th
  2. Final Projects Announced Soon
    • small groups

Last Time


  • concurrent linked-list implementation of a queue
  • lock enq and deq operations, not nodes

Unbounded Queue in Pictures

Dequeue 1: Aquire deqLock

Dequeue 2: Get Element (or Exception)

Dequeue 3: Update head

Dequeue 4: Release Lock

Enqueue 1: Make Node

Enqueue 2: Acquire enqLock

Enqueue 3: Update tail.next

Enqueue 4: Update tail

Enqueue 5: Release Lock

UnboundedQueue in Code

public class UnboundedQueue<T> implements SimpleQueue<T> {
    final ReentrantLock enqLock;
    final ReentrantLock deqLock;
    volatile Node head;
    volatile Node tail;

    public UnboundedQueue() {
	head = new Node(null); tail = head;
	enqLock = new ReentrantLock();
	deqLock = new ReentrantLock(); }

Node Class

    class Node {
	final T value;
	volatile Node next;

	public Node (T value) {
	    this.value = value;

enq Method

    public void enq (T value) {
	try {
	    Node nd = new Node(value);
	    tail.next = nd;
	    tail = nd;
	} finally {

deq Method

    public T deq() throws EmptyException {
	T value;
	try {
	    if (head.next == null){throw new EmptyException();}
	    value = head.next.value;
	    head = head.next;
            return value;
	} finally {

Is UnboundedQueue Linearizable?

  1. What concurrent operations do we need to consider?
  2. What internal states do we need to consider?
  3. What are the linearization points (if any)?

Pertinent Lines

    public void enq (T value) {
	    Node nd = new Node(value);
	    tail.next = nd;
	    tail = nd;
    public T deq() throws EmptyException {
	    if (head.next == null){throw new EmptyException();}
	    value = head.next.value;
	    head = head.next;
            return value;



  • is linearizable
  • allows for concurrent progress on calls to enq and deq
    • if two threads each obtain enq and deq locks, both terminate in a finite number of steps independent of the actions of the other
  • uses locks
    • concurrent calls to enq (or deq) are blocking: a thread cannot make progress while another thread holds the lock


Is it possible to implement a (sequentially consistent? linearizable?) queue without locks?

Enqueue Without Locks

What could go wrong with concurrent enq?

    public void enq (T value) {
        Node nd = new Node(value);
        tail.next = nd;
        tail = nd;

Possible Linearization Point?

    public void enq (T value) {
        Node nd = new Node(value);
        tail.next = nd;
        tail = nd;

New Tech: AtomicReferences

// an AtomicReference pointing to someNode
var nd = new AtomicReference<Node>(someNode);

// try to update nd to refer to updated
nd.compareAndSet(expected, update);

Effect of compareAndSet(expected, update):

  • if nd’s current value is expected, then update value to update
    • return true
  • if nd’s current value is not expected, do not update its value
    • return false

How Could Atomic References Help?

    public void enq (T value) {
        Node nd = new Node(value);
        tail.next = nd;
        tail = nd;

Enqueue Idea

To do:

  1. update tail.next to nd
  2. update tail to nd


  • Can update tail.next only if tail.next == null
  • Try to update tail.next to nd:
    1. set last to tail, next to tail.next
    2. check if last is still null
    3. update last.next to nd only if last.next is still null
    4. if 3 fails, try to update tail to next


public class LockFreeQueue<T> implements SimpleQueue<T> {
    private AtomicReference<Node> head;
    private AtomicReference<Node> tail;
    public void enq(T item) {...}
    public T deq() throws EmptyException {...}
    class Node {
        public T value;
        public AtomicReference<Node> next;

Lock Free enq

    public void enq(T item) {
	if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException();	
	Node node = new Node(item);
	while (true) {
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = last.next.get();
	    if (last == tail.get()) {
		if (next == null) {
		    if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) 
			tail.compareAndSet(last, node);	return;
		} else {
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);}}}}

Linearization Point (if any)?

    public void enq(T item) {
	if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException();	
	Node node = new Node(item);
	while (true) {
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = last.next.get();
	    if (last == tail.get()) {
		if (next == null) {
		    if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) 
			tail.compareAndSet(last, node);	return;
		} else {
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);}}}}

Questions (Next Time)

  1. How to dequeue?
  2. Which is better, locked or lock-free?