Lecture 15: More Mandelbrot and Thread Pools

COSC 273: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Spring 2023


  1. Mandelbrot Task
  2. Thread Pools

Mandelbrot Task

Draw this picture as quickly as possible!

Defining the Mandelbrot Set

To determine if $c$ is in the Mandelbrot set $M$:

  • compute $z_1 = c$
  • define $z_n = z_{n-1}^2 + c$ for $n > 1$

If $z_n$ remains bounded, $c$ is in $M$; otherwise $c$ is not in $M$.

Depicting the Mandelbrot Set

Make a grid of pixels!

Computing the Mandelbrot Set

Choose parameters:

  • $N$ number of iterations
  • $M$ maximum modulus ($M > 2$)

Given a complex number $c$:

  • compute $z_1 = c, z_2 = z_1^2 + c,\ldots$ until
    1. $|z_n| \geq M$
      • stop because sequence appears unbounded
    2. $N$th iteration
      • stop because sequence appears bounded
  • if $N$th iteration reached $c$ is likely in Mandelbrot set



Drawing the Mandelbrot Set

  • Choose a region consisting of $a + b i$ with
    • $x_{min} \leq a \leq x_{max}$
    • $y_{min} \leq b \leq y_{max}$
  • Make a grid in the region
  • For each point in grid, determine if in Mandelbrot set
  • Color accordingly

Counting Iterations

Given a complex number $c$:

  • compute $z_1 = c, z_2 = z_1^2 + c,\ldots$ until
    1. $|z_n| \geq M$
      • stop because sequence appears unbounded
    2. $N$th iteration
      • stop because sequence appears bounded
  • if $N$th iteration reached $c$ is likely in Mandelbrot set

Color by Escape Time

  1. Color black in case 2 (point is in Mandelbrot set)
  2. Change color based on $n$ in case 1:
    • smaller $n$ are “farther” from Mandelbrot set
    • larger $n$ are “closer”

Lab 03


  • A square region of complex plane


  • Escape times for a grid of points in the region
  • A picture of corresponding region


  • Compute escape times as quickly as possible

Mandelbrot Viewer Demo

  • mandelbrot.zip

Getting a Single Escape Time

    public static float getValue (ComplexNumber c) {
	ComplexNumber z = new ComplexNumber(0, 0);
	int iter = 0;
	while (iter < MAX_ITER && z.modulus() <= MAX_MODULUS) {
	    z = z.times(z).plus(c);
	return (float) (MAX_ITER - iter) / MAX_ITER;

Getting Many Values

    private void updateBitmap () {    
	for (int i = 0; i < BOX_WIDTH; i++) {
	    for (int j = 0; j < BOX_HEIGHT; j++) {		
		ComplexNumber c = getValueFromIndices(i, j);
		float val = Mandelbrot.getValue(c);
		bitmap[i][j] = colorMap(val);

Ideas for Improving Performance?

Thread pools

So Far

  • One thread per task

  • Created Threads and ran them in parallel

    • implmenet Runnable interface
    • create and start instances
    • join to wait until threads finish


  • Creating new Threads has significant overhead
    • best performance by balancing number of threads/processors available
  • Need to explicitly partition into relatively few pieces
    • partitioning may be unnatural
    • partition may be unbalanced:
      • don’t know in advance how long computations will take

When tasks are fairly homogenous (e.g., computing $\pi$, shortcuts) previous approach is good

A (Sometimes) Better Way

A nice Java feature: thread pools

  • Create a (relatively small) pool of threads
  • Assign tasks to the pool
  • Available threads process tasks
    • if all threads occupied, tasks stored in a queue
    • as threads are completed, threads in pool are reused

When are Thread Pools Better?

  • Many smaller tasks
  • Fixed partition of problem may be unbalanced
  • “Online” problems: set of tasks not known in advance
    • e.g., processing requests for web server

Thread Pools in Java

  • Implement Executor interface
    • void execute(Runnable command) method
  • More control of task handling: ExecutorService interface:
    • submit tasks
    • wait for tasks to complete
    • shut down pool (don’t accept new tasks)

Built-in ExecutorService Implementations

From java.util.concurrent.Executors:

  • newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads)
    • make a pool with a fixed number of threads
  • newSingleThreadExecutor()
    • make a pool with a single thread
  • newCachedThreadPool()
    • make pool that creates new threads as needed (reuses old if available)

Using Thread Pools 1

Define tasks

public class MyTask implements Runnable {
    public void run () {

Using Thread Pools 2

Create a pool, e.g., fixed thread pool

int nThreads = ...;

ExecutorService pool = Exercutors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);

Create and execute tasks

MyTask task = new MyTask(...);


Using Thread Pools 3

Shutting down the pool


Wait for all pending processes to complete (like join() method)

try {

    pool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

} catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // do nothing



Shortcuts from Lab 02:

for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
        float min = Float.MAX_VALUE;		
	    for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
            float x = matrix[i][k]; float y = matrix[k][j];
            float z = x + y;
            if (z < min)
                min = z;
        shortcuts[i][j] = min;

A Small Task

For fixed row i, col j:

        float min = Float.MAX_VALUE;		
	    for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
            float x = matrix[i][k]; float y = matrix[k][j];
            float z = x + y;
            if (z < min)
                min = z;
        shortcuts[i][j] = min;

Two Approaches

Approach 1:

  • Make a separate thread for each task
    • need size * size threads

Approach 2:

  • Make a thread pool and let the pool decide
    • choose pool size from availableProcessors()


  • executer-shortcuts.zip