Lecture 04: Embarrassingly Parallel, or Not

COSC 272: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Spring 2023


  1. Programming Assignment 01 Posted
    • ignore HPC cluster part of assignment for Friday
    • accounts registered, but no documentation yet
    • visit hpc.amherst.edu
    • ssh access: [amherstid]@hpc.amherst.edu
  2. First written assignment next Friday
    • posted this weekend
  3. Office Hours
    • TA (Mary Kate) Office Hours Wednesday 7–9pm, SCCE C109
    • My individual OH: Thursday 1:00–2:30


  1. Lecture 03 Activity
  2. Parallelism vs Concurrency
  3. Embarrassingly Parallel Problem
  4. Limitations of Parallelism

Lecture 03 Activity

void increment(int[] a) {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < a.length) {
        a[i] = a[i] + 1;
        i = i + 1;

Question 1

If a = [0, 0, 0, 0] and two threads, what are possible outcomes?

void increment(int[] a) {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < a.length) {
        a[i] = a[i] + 1;
        i = i + 1;

Question 2

If a = [0, 0, 0, 0] and $k$ threads, what are possible outcomes?

void increment(int[] a) {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < a.length) {
        a[i] = a[i] + 1;
        i = i + 1;

Parallelism vs Concurrency

Concurrency performing multiple tasks that occupy overlapping time intervals

  • E.g., I teach COSC 225 and COSC 273 concurrently

Parallelism making progress on multiple tasks at the same time

  • E.g., COSC 273 and MATH 410 are taught in parallel (MWF 10-10:50)
  • parallel $\implies$ concurrent

Virtues and Perils

Parallelism can give performance boost

  • performance is one focus of this class

Concurrency is necessary for basic functionality of computers

  • cannot execute multiple programs without concurrency
  • operating system typically handles issues of concurrency
    • why you probably haven’t encountered concurrency before

Issues of nondeterminism exist for concurrent programs, not just parallel ones

Back to Counter

public void increment () {

How could we fix the problem of mis-counting?

  • Want every increment to count!

“Easy” Solution

Each thread stores own private count!

  • run threads until they’re done
  • aggregate local counts when threads terminate


When might “easy” solution not be sufficient?

We’ll revisit this next week

Embarrassingly Parallel Problems

A computational problem is embarrassingly parallel if it can be broken into many simple computations, (almost) all of which can be performed in parallel.

Example: Monte Carlo Estimation

A Formula from High School


Area of a disk: $A = \pi r^2$

An Idea from Probability

Pick a random point inside the framed region.


The probability the point lies in the disk is proportional to the disk’s area.

In More Detail

  • area of disk is $\pi r^2$
  • area of surrounding square is $(2 r)^2 = 4 r^2$
  • the probability that a (uniformly) random point in the square lies in the disk is: $ \frac{\text{area of circle}}{\text{area of square}} = \frac{\pi r^2}{4 r^2} = \frac 1 4 \pi. $


Estimation by Sampling

…to estimate $\pi $, suffices to estimate the probability that a random point point in the square lies inside the disk:

  • pick a bunch of random points
  • see how many lie in disk
  • $p = $ proportion of points that do
  • $\pi \approx 4 p$

Example of Monte Carlo method


Why is Monte Carlo estimation embarrassingly parallel?

Another Question

How much performance increase with $k$ cores?

  • What if $k \approx$ number of samples taken?

Not So Parallel


a1 = b1 + c1;
a2 - b2 + c2;
d = a1 * a2

Dependency relation: directed acyclic graph (DAG)

More Generally

Consider a program that requires

  • $N$ elementary operations
  • $T$ time to run sequentially


  • a $p$-fraction of operations can be performed in parallel
  • $1-p$ fraction must be performed sequentially

Question: how long could program take with $n$ parallel machines?


With $n $ parallel machines:

  • perform $p $-fraction of parallelizable ops in parallel on all $n$ machines
    • total time $\frac{T \cdot p}{n}$
  • perform remaining ops sequentially on a single machine
    • total time $T \cdot (1 - p)$

Total time: $T \cdot (1 - p) + T \cdot \frac{p}{n} = T \cdot \left(1 - p + \frac p n\right)$

How Much Improvement?

The speedup is the ratio of the original time $T $ to the parallel time $T \cdot \left(1 - p + \frac p n\right)$:

  • $S = \frac{1}{1 - p + \frac p n}$

This relation is called Amdahl’s Law

This is the best performance improvement possible in principle

  • may not be achievable in practice!


1 person can chop 1 onion per minute

Recipe calls for:

  • chop 6 onions
  • saute onions for 4 minutes


  • chopping onions can be done in parallel
  • sauteing
    • takes 4 minutes no matter what
    • must be accomplished after chopping

Example (continued)

How much can the cooking process be sped up by $n $ cooks?

Example (continued)

  • For one chef, $T = 6 + 4 = 10$
  • Only chopping onions is parallelizable, so $p = 6 / 10 = 0.6$
  • Amdahl’s Law:
    • $S = \frac{1}{1 - p - \frac{p}{n}} = \frac{1}{0.4 + \frac 1 n 0.6}$
  • So:
    • $n = 2 \implies S = 1.43$
    • $n = 3 \implies S = 1.67$
    • $n = 6 \implies S = 2$
  • Always have $S < 1 / (1 - p) = 2.5$

Speedup Improvement by Adding More Processors

  • Second processor: 43%
  • Third processor: 17%
  • Fourth processor: 9%
  • Fifth processor: 6%
  • Sixth processor 4%

Latency vs Number of Processors

How does latency $T $ scale with $n $?

  • Adding more processors has declining marginal utility:
    • each additional processor has a smaller effect on total performance
    • at some point, adding more processors to a computation is wasteful
  • Another consideration:
    • after parallel ops have been performed, extra processors are idle (potentially wasteful!)


The proportion of parallelizable operations $p$ is not always obvious from problem statement

  • Amdahl’s law a valuable heuristic for general phenomena:
    1. an $n$-fold increase in parallel processing power does not typically give an $n $-fold speedup in computations
    2. adding new parallel processors becomes less helpful the more parallel processors you already have
  • Often helpful to think about scheduling subtasks (not individual operations)
  • May have relationships between tasks (e.g., one must be performed before another)

Next Time

Start Mutual Exclusion

  • How can we fix our Counter to work as intended if we need to maintain a running count that can be accessed by multiple threads?