Lecture 14: Drawing Binary Trees II

COSC 225: Algorithms and Visualization

Spring, 2023


  1. Knuth Layout
  2. Tidy Drawing Layout

Last Time: Greedy Layout

Also: Knuth Layout

Aesthetic Principles

Aesthetic Principle 1. Vertices at the same depth should lie along a horizontal line with deeper nodes lower than shallower nodes.

Aesthetic Principle 2. The left child of any node should appear to the left of its parent, and a right child should appear to the right of its parent.

Knuth’s Layout Algorithm

Rows and Columns

  • rows are defined by depth (Aesthetic Principle 1)
  • columns are “in-order” traversal order
    • each vertex gets own column
  • guarantees
    • left descendants to the left
    • right descenadants to the right

In-order Traversal

In-order Traversal in Code

this.verticesInOrder = function (from = this.root) {
  let vertices = [];
  if (from.left != null) 
    vertices = vertices.concat(this.verticesInOrder(from.left));
  if (from.right != null) 
    vertices = vertices.concat(this.verticesInOrder(from.right));
  return vertices;

Knuth’s Layout in Code

this.setLayoutKnuth = function () {
  const vertices = this.tree.verticesInOrder();
  const depths = this.tree.depths;
  for (let i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
    let vtx = vertices[i];
    let depth = depths.get(vtx.id);
    /* set vtx location to row depth, column i */


Demo, Again

  • lec13-binary-tree.zip

What’s Not to Like?

Result Again

Third Principle

Aesthetic Principle 1. Vertices at the same depth should lie along a horizontal line with deeper nodes lower than shallower nodes.

Aesthetic Principle 2. The left child of any node should appear to the left of its parent, and a right child should appear to the right of its parent.

Aesthetic Principle 3. If a node has two children, it’s $x$-coordinate should be the midpoint of its childrens’ $x$-coordinates

How Can We Achieve All Three?

A First Attempt

Idea. Place children first, then place parent above midpoint of children.

  • if one child, must respect Aesthetic Principle 2.

Question. In what order should we place vertices?

A Problematic Example

A Solution?

  • suppose children are provisionally placed
  • place parent:
    • correct relative to children, or
    • left-most availble position at parent’s depth

Then what?

Tidy Drawings of Graphs

  • Wetherell and Shannon, 1979

Phase 1. Get initial placement

  • process vertices in post-order
  • place each vertex according to maximum of
    • child-aware placement & first available column
  • keep track of offset if placed vertex to right of child-aware placement

Phase 2. Finalize placement

  • process vertices in pre-order
  • place vertex at current position + sum of ancestors’ offsets

Tidy Drawing Example

Phase One Setup


  • get vertices in post-order
  • store next available column at each depth, col
  • a Map pos for each (horizontal) position
  • a Map offest for each horizontal offset

Post-order Iteration over v

Child aware position, curPos:

  • if leaf, set to next available column at v’s depth
  • if only left child, v is col to right of child
  • if only right child, v is col to left of child
  • if two children, v’s col is midpoint of children

If not leaf, update offset of v to

  • max of next availble col, curPos

Set v’s position to curPos + offset (if non-leaf)

  • update col at v’s depth to be v’s position + 2

Phase 2

Pre-order Iteration over v

Set final position of v to

  • row = v’s depth
  • col = v’s provisional position + sum of ancestor’s offsets

Tidy Drawing Demo

Homework 08

Implement the Tidy Drawing procedure yourself!


  • A BinaryTree


  • The row/column of each vertex according to Tidy Tree procedure