Lecture 08: Objects, Graphs, and DFS

COSC 225: Algorithms and Visualization

Spring, 2023


  1. No new assignment next week
    • clean up and resubmit old assignments
  2. Assignment 05 due date 03/06
  3. Assignment 06 due 03/24 (after break!)
    • pair assignment!
    • posted next week


  1. Graphs and DFS
  2. Objects and Visualization
  3. DFS Demo
  4. Convex Hulls

Last Time

  • JavaScript Events
    • event listeners
    • responding to events
  • Intro to JavaScript Objects
    • constructors, fields, methods
  • Graphs
    • vertices and edges


More graph visualization!

  • better Graph, GraphVisualizer

Visualizing algorithms!

  • depth-first search

A geometric problem!

  • convex hulls



Mathematical abstraction of networks

  • set $V$ of vertices a.k.a. nodes
  • set $E$ of edges
    • each edge $e \in E$ is a pair of nodes

If $(u, v) \in E$, we say $u$ and $v$ are neighbors

Representing Graphs

Adjacency list representation

  • list (e.g., array) of vertices
  • for each vertex, store a list of its neighbors


  • $V = \{1,2,3,4,5\}$
  • $E = \{(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)\}$

1: 2, 3, 4

2: 1, 4

3: 1, 5

4: 2, 5

5: 3, 4

Representing a Graph with Objects


  • Graph
    • stores sets of vertices, edges
  • Vertex
    • stores ID, list of neighbors
  • Edge
    • stores pair of endpoints

Graph in JavaScript

function Graph(id) {
    this.id = id;            // (unique) ID of this graph
    this.vertices = [];      // set of vertices in this graph
    this.edges = [];         // set of edges in this graph
    this.nextVertexID = 0;   // ID to be assigned to next vtx
    this.nextEdgeID = 0;     // ID to be assigned to next edge

Notes on JavaScript Arrays

  • no specified datatypes
  • self resizing
  • support stack operations
    • push(elt) appends elt to end
    • pop() removes and returns last element
  • associative arrays indices need not be numbers!
const a = [];        // make an array
a["name"] = "Alice";
let guess = a.pop(); // what does this do?

Graph Interactions

  • add (remove?) vertices
  • add (remove?) edges

Create/Add Vertices

    this.createVertex = function (x, y) {
	const vtx = new Vertex(this.nextVertexID, this, x, y);
	return vtx;
    this.addVertex = function(vtx) {
	if (!this.vertices.includes(vtx)) {
	    console.log("added vertex with id " + vtx.id);
	} else {
	    console.log("vertex with id " + vtx.id + " not added because it is already a vertex in the graph.");

Building Graphs Interactively

GraphVisualizer object

function GraphVisualizer (graph, svg, text) {
    this.graph = graph;      // the graph we are visualizing
    this.svg = svg;          // the svg element we are drawing on
    this.text = text;        // a text box

GraphVisualizer’s Role

Graph specifies structure

GraphVisualizer mediates interactions between user and Graph

  • visualization/display
  • interaction


  • Graph does not reference any display attributes
  • GraphVisualizer handles all
    • display (e.g., DOM elements)
    • interactions (e.g. clicks)
    • styling

GraphVisualizer behaviors

  1. Respond to clicks
    • click to empty space adds a vertex
      • create/style DOM element, add to SVG image
      • create a Vertex and add to Graph
    • click to first vertex
      • highlights vertex
    • click to next vertex
      • adds Edge between Vertexs in Graph
      • draws line between corresponding vertices
  2. Other visual modifications
    • highlight/mute vertices/edges

Graph Builder Demo

Future Work

  • “import” an existing graph
  • automated graph drawing
    • given just vertices/edges of a graph, determine how graph should be displayed
    • this is a major challenge!

Depth-first Strategy

  1. Start at starting vertex
  2. Until stuck at starting vertex:
    • look for an unvisited neighbor
    • if found, move to unvisited neighbor
    • otherwise backtrack to vertex w/ unvisited neighbor

Implementing DFS

What do we need to keep track of throughout execution?

DFS Pseudo-code

visited = [start]; // set
active = [start];  // stack

while active is not empty
   cur = top of active
   if cur has unvisited neighbor v
     push v to active
     add v to visited
     pop cur off active

Visualizing DFS

What should we show user? How to illustrate behavior?

Implementing DFS in JavaScript

  1. Define a Dfs object type
    • what should it store?
  2. Implement DFS procedure as steps
    • start procedure
    • individual actions to be visualized

Question. What should count as a single step?

DFS Demo

Design Notes

Dfs stores

  • Graph to explore
  • GraphVisualizer to update
  • local info for algorithm execution

Dfs tells GraphVisualizer what to highlight/mute, etc

  • GraphVisualizer decides how to update display in response

Lab 06

Algorithm Visualization: Convex Hulls

Convex Hull Problem


  • set of points in plane
    • $(x, y)$-coordinates of each point


  • a sequence of points $(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \ldots, (x_k, y_k)$ that define the “boundary” of the set of points
    • path around $(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \ldots, (x_k, y_k)$ surrounds all points
    • the bounded region is convex

Which Points are on the convex hull?

Next Week

Algorithms for finding the convex hull!

Your Task (Assignment 06):

  • implement a convex hull algorithm
  • create an interactive visualization for the algorithm