Lecture 09: Amortized Analysis and Sorted Sets


Midterm Exam due Friday at 5:00
OH on Zoom today


  1. Amortized Analysis
  2. Sorted Sets

Last Time

Considered ArraySimpleStack

public class ArraySimpleStack<E> implements SimpleStack<E> {
    private int capacity;
    private int size = 0;
    private Object[] contents;

    public void push(E x) {
	if (size == capacity) {

	contents[size] = x;


    private void increaseCapacity() {
    	// create a new array with larger capacity
    	Object[] bigContents = new Object[2 * capacity];

    	// copy contents to bigContents
    	for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
    	    bigContents[i] = contents[i];

    	// set contents to refer to the new array
    	contents = bigContents;

    	// update this.capacity accordingly
    	capacity = 2 * capacity;


What is the running time of

    SimpleStack<Integer> stk = new ArraySimpleStack<Integer>();
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

Time per push


    SimpleStack<Integer> stk = new ArraySimpleStack<Integer>();
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
  • Worst case running time of push is $O(n)$
    • $n$ pushes have running time $n \cdot O(n) = O(n^2)$
  • But vast majority of calls to push are performed in $O(1)$ time
  • When we call push $n$ times empirical running time looks like $O(n)$, not $O(n^2)$.

Amortized Analysis


“cost” of an operation $\approx$ running time of operation

A More Refined Analysis

Idea. Don’t look at worst-case cost of each operation individually

  • instead look at worst-case cost of any sequence of operations

  • amortized cost is the average cost per operation of any such sequence

Amortized Analysis, IRL

Cost of living:

  • Rent = $1,800 on first of month
  • Groceries = $100 each week
  • Lunch: $5


  • I get paid daily $100 (tax free)


  • Some days, I need to pay $1,905… how can I afford to live on 100 a day?!?

Banker’s View

Open a bank account!

Each day, can do:

  1. pay expense out of pocket (from day’s pay)
  2. deposit money into bank account
  3. withdraw money from bank account to pay expense

I can afford to live off $100 a day if every day I can pay that day’s expenses and maintain non-negative bank account balance

$\implies$ amortized cost of living is (at most) $100 / day

Example push(x)

Assume initially size = capacity = 1

	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

What are costs of operations?

Banker’s View of Amortized Analysis

  • each operation $\mathrm{op}$ has associated cost, $\mathrm{cost}(\mathrm{op})$
  • have an account $A$ with balance $\mathrm{bal}(A)$
    • must maintain $\mathrm{bal}(A) \geq 0$
  • amortized cost of $\mathrm{op}$ is:
$$\mathrm{ac}(\mathrm{op}) = \mathrm{cost}(\mathrm{op}) + \mathrm{bal}(A') - \mathrm{bal}(A)$$
  • $A$ = account before $\mathrm{op}$, $A’$ = account after

Analysis of push

    public void push(E x) {
	if (size == capacity) {

	contents[size] = x;
  • cost of increaseCapacity when size $= n$ is $C_n$
    • new capacity is $2 n$

What is $C_n$ in big O notation?

increaseCapacity() Code

    private void increaseCapacity() {
    	// create a new array with larger capacity
    	Object[] bigContents = new Object[2 * capacity];

    	// copy contents to bigContents
    	for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
    	    bigContents[i] = contents[i];

    	// set contents to refer to the new array
    	contents = bigContents;

    	// update this.capacity accordingly
    	capacity = 2 * capacity;

Accounting for push

    public void push(E x) {
	if (size == capacity) {

	contents[size] = x;

Suppose current capacity is $n$

  • last resize at $n / 2$

Each push until next resize

  1. pay $\mathrm{cost}(\texttt{push})$
  2. add money to account

Question. How much to add?


At next increaseCapacity() call, what is account balance?

How to pay $C_n$ for increaseCapacity()?

Final Analysis

If $n/2$ was last resize, each push until size is $n$:

  1. pay cost of push
  2. add $C_n / (n/2) = 2 C_n / n$ to account

On push when size is $n$

  1. pay cost of push
  2. remove $C_n$ from $A$ to pay for increaseCapacity()

In both scenarios

$$\mathrm{ac}(\mathrm{op}) = \mathrm{cost}(\mathrm{op}) + \mathrm{bal}(A') - \mathrm{bal}(A) = O(1)$$

So We Should Have Expected

More Generally

Amortized complexity is a measure of average cost of operations when averaged over any sequence of operations

Moral. Even if individual operations can be expensive, if expensive operations are infrequent, then a data structure may still be efficient.

Sorted Sets

Thought Experiment

  • Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
    • contains 300,000 entries
    • 20 volumes, 21,000+ pages
    • includes history and earliest known usage of words
  • Complete Works of Shakespeare
    • 1 volume
    • 1,300 pages

Question. I read that Shakespeare coined the term indistinguishable. Would it be faster to search OED or Shakespeare to see if Shakespeare used indistinguishable?

Another Question

What makes searching a dictionary preferable to search a novel for a word?


You’ve considered 2 set implementations

  1. LinkedSimpleUSet
    • elements stored in order first read
  2. MTFSimpleUSet
    • elements stored in order last accessed

Time to access an element is proportional to its position in list

  • this is the best we can do for a linked list

Faster Finding

In dictionary example:

  • words are sorted alphabetically
  • to search, start at middle of book
  • because of sorting, know to jump forward or backward

Data Structure?

A set that stores elements in sorted order

  • assume elements can be sorted in some way

What data structure allows us to “jump” as in searching a dictionary?

Formalizing an ADT

Sorted Set ADT

  • all of the functionality of a SimpleUSet
    • add, remove, find
  • assumes elements can be compared
    • for any two elements $x, y$, have $x = y$, $x > y$, or $x < y$
  • additional methods
    • findMin
    • findMax
  • slightly different behavior
    • find(x) returns the smallest element y in the set that is no larger than x (null if no such y)

The Comparable Interface

To indicate that elements of class E can be compared, E must implement the Comparable<E> interface:

public interface Comparable<T> {
    int compareTo(T o);

This interface is built in to Java!


  • x.compareTo(y) < 0 indicates that x is “smaller than” y
  • x.compareTo(y) > 0 indicates that x is “larger than” y
  • x.compareTo(y) == 0 indicates that x is semantically equivalent to y
    • should have x.compareTo(y) == 0 if and only if x.equals(y)

Example Integer

public class Integer implements Comparable<Integer> {
    private int value;

    int compareTo(Integer x) {
        return value - x.value;
    boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceOf Integer)) return false;
        Integer x = (Integer) o;		
        return (value == x.value);

Sorted Set Interface

public interface SimpleSSet<E extends Comparable<E>> extends SimpleUSet<E>  {

    @Override /* comments explain how find differs from parent method */
    E find(E x);

    E findMin();

    E findMax();

Implementing SimpleSSet

Question. What data structure should we use to store elements?

How to…




Common Functionality

Find the index where x would be located

  • unambiguous because set is sorted, elements are unique

Define int getIndex(x) method

How to find(x)?

How to add(x)?


Once getIndex is implemented add, remove, find can be made to work

  • alternative (correct) implementations of getIndex will not affect add/remove/find code

Suggestion. First implement/test with simple getIndex method, then design/test more sophisticated getIndex implementations

Maxim. Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

  • Tony Hoare (popularized by Donald Knuth)

ArraySimpleSSet Implementation

See code!

More Efficient getIndex

How to search a sorted array like a dictionary?

Recursive getIndex()

  • See: ArraySimpleSSet.java

USet and SSet Find Running Times

Compare running times of find between unordered set implementation (ArraySimpleUSet) and ArraySimpleSSet with binary search

  • With linear search, implementations have almost exact same running time because elements were added in sorted order!

Time to Find: USet vs SSet

Time to Find SSet

Time to Find SSet (Long)

Next Time

  • More discussion of recursion
  • More detailed analysis of binary search