Lecture 25: Sequence Alignment

$ \def\opt{ {\mathrm{opt}} } $

COSC 311 Algorithms, Fall 2022


Homework 5 Posted

  • 3 Questions
  • Third question is challenge question


  1. Finishing Knapsack Problem
  2. Sequence Alignment

Knapsack Problem


  1. A set $R$ of $n$ requests, each having
    • duration (weight) $b_r$
    • value $v_r$
  2. Total time (weight) budget $B$

Output: A set $S$ of requests to service with

  1. sum of durations of requests in $S$ is at most $B$
  2. sum of values of requests is maximized

A Recurrence Relation

Idea. keep track of remaining budget

  • if $r_n$ is not serviced, remaining budget is $B$
  • if $r_n$ is serviced, remaining budget is $B - b_n$

Definition. For $j = 0, 1, \ldots, n$, $\opt(j, C)$ is optimal value of set of requests from $1, 2, \ldots, j$ with budget $C$.

Recurrence relation:

$\opt(n, B) = \max(\opt(n - 1, B), v_n + \opt(n - 1, B - b_n))$

Computing Optimal Values

Assume. All durations $b_i$ are integers at most $B$.

Compute. To compute $\opt(n, B)$:

  • Generate a two dimensional array max where max[j, C] stores the value $\opt(j, C)$

Initialization. max[j, 0] <- 0 for all j

Apply Recursion Relation.

  • max[j, C] <- Max(max[j-1, C], v[j] + max[j-1, C - b[j]])




  FindMax(R, n, B):
    max <- new 2d array of dimensions n+1, B+1
    set max[0, C] <- 0 for C = 0 to B
    for j from 1 to n
      (b, v) <- i-th request in R
      for C from 0 to B
        if b <= C then 
          max[j, C] <- Max(v + max[j-1, C-b], max[j-1,C])
          max[j, C] <- max[j-1, C]
    return max[n, B]


Claim. For all $j$ and $C$, $\max[j, C] = \opt(j, C)$

Proof. Induction on $j$.

Base case $j = 0$. Optimal subset of size $0$ has value $0$.

Inductive step $j \implies j+1$.

  • suppose claim true for all $i \leq j$
  • consider two possibilities:
    1. request $j+1$ is in optimal subset $S$

      $\opt(j+1, C) = v_{j+1} + \opt(j, C - b_{j+1}) = v_{j+1} + \max[j, C - b_{j+1}]$

    2. request $j+1$ is not in optimal subset $S$

      $\opt(j+1, C) = \opt(j, C) = \max[j, C]$

Running Time?

  FindMax(R, n, B):
    max <- new 2d array of dimensions n+1, B+1
    set max[0, C] <- 0 for C = 0 to B
    for j from 1 to n
      (b, v) <- i-th request in R
      for C from 0 to B
        if b <= C then 
          max[j, C] <- Max(v + max[j-1, C-b], max[j-1,C])
          max[j, C] <- max[j-1, C]
    return max[n, B]


For the knapsack problem with $n$ requests and budget $B$, we can find compute $\opt(n, B)$ in $O(B n)$ time.

  • assuming the duration of each request is an integer

Sequence Alignment


How similar are the following strings?

Hamming Distance

For how many indices do the strings disagree?

(Dis)similarity and Alignment

How could we transform one string into the other?

Optimal Alignment

Given two strings/arrays $X$ and $Y$ form a matching between characters

  • matching $M$ is a set of pairs of matched indices

Rules for matching:

  • each character is matched with at most one other character
    • some characters may be unmatched
  • matched characters cannot “cross”
    • if $(i, j)$, $(i’, j’)$ are matched with $i < i’$, then $j < j’$

Matching Penalties

Given a matching $M$ between strings $X$ and $Y$

  • incur penalty $\delta$ if an index $i$ in $X$ or $Y$ is unmatched
  • incur penality $\alpha$ if $(i, j)$ matched, $X[i] \neq X[j]$

Total penalty is sum of individual penalties


Sequence Alignment Problem


  • Sequences $X$ and $Y$ of characters of length $n$ and $m$, respectively
  • Penalties $\delta, \alpha$ for omission/mismatch


  • A matching $M$ between indices of $X$ and $Y$
  • $M$ minimizes total penalty of matching

An Observation


  • $X$ sequence of length $n$
  • $Y$ sequence of length $m$
  • $M$ a matching between $[1, n]$ and $[1, m]$nn

Claim. Then one of the following holds:

  1. $(n, m)$ is in $M$
  2. $n$ is unmatched in $M$
  3. $m$ is unmatched in $M$


A Recursive Solution?

Idea. Use previous claim to give recursive characterization of optimal alignment.



  • $\opt(i, j) = $ minimum penalty of aligning $X[1..i]$ and $Y[1..j]$
  • $M_{i,j}$ is minimum penalty matching between $X[1..i]$ and $Y[1..j]$
  • by claim, there are three cases
    1. $(i, j) \in M_{i, j}$
    2. $i$ unmatched in $M_{i, j}$
    3. $j$ unmatched in $M_{i, j}$

Recursive Solution?

Question. What is a recurrence relation for $\opt(i, j)$?

Iterative Solution

Construct a two dimensional array p[0..n, 0..m]

  • p[i, j] should store $\opt(i, j)$

Question 1. How to initialize p?

Question 2. How to fill out p?


  • $X = [R, I, T, E]$
  • $Y = [T, I, E, R]$
  • $\delta = \alpha = 1$

Algorithm Pseudocode

  Alignment(X, Y, a, d):
    p <- 2d array of dimension (n+1) x (m+1)
    for i from 0 to n, p[i, 0] <- i * d
    for j from 0 to m, p[0, j] <- j * d
    for i from 1 to n
      for j from 1 to m
        unmatchX <- p[i-1, j] + d
        unmatchY <- p[i,j-1] + d
        match <- p[i-1,j-1]
        if X[i] != Y[j] then match <- match + a
        p[i, j] <- Min(unmatchX, unmatchY, match)
    return p[n, m]

Running time?


Optimal alignment between strings can be found in $O(n m)$ time where strings have lengths $n$ and $m$, respectively.

Next Time

Shortest paths, revisited