Lecture 24: Weighted Knapsack

$ \def\opt{ {\mathrm{opt}} } $

COSC 311 Algorithms, Fall 2022


  • Week 09: finish dynamic programming
  • Week 10: network flow & applications
  • Week 11: midterm 2
  • Weeks 12, 13: NP completeness


  1. Finishing Weighted Interval Scheduling
  2. The Knapsack Problem

Weighted Interval Scheduling


  1. A set $R$ of $n$ intervals $r_1 = [s_1, t_1], r_2 = [s_2, t_2], \ldots, r_n = [s_n, t_n]$
  2. For each interval $r \in R$, a weight $w(r) > 0$
    • e.g., weight = profit from serving request $r$

Output. A collection of intervals from $R$ that is

  1. feasible no two intervals overlap
  2. maximum weight choice maximizes sum of $w(r)$ for chosen $r$

Note: equivalent to (unweighted) interval scheduling when all weights are the same

Example w/ Predecessors

A Recursive Solution

  MaxWeightSchedule(w, p, n):
    if n = 0 then return 0
    opt-n <- w[n] + MaxWeightSchedule(w, p, p[n])
    opt-no-n <- MaxWeightSchedule(w, p, n-1)
    return Max(opt-n, opt-no-n)

Recursion to Iteration

Idea. Store array max:

  • max[i] is maximum weight of schedule consisting of intervals $r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_i$

Question. How to initialize/update max values?

Iterative Solution

  IMaxWeightSchedule(w, p)
    max <- new array of size n+1 
    max[0] <- 0
    for i = 1 up to n do
      max[i] <- Max(w[i] + max[p[i]], max[i-1])
    return max[n]


  • same argument as recursive solution

Running Time?

Overall Running Time?

Steps: (assume $n$ intervals)

  1. Sort intervals by end time

  2. Compute array p

  3. Run IMaxWeightSchedule(w, p)



Update IMaxWeightSchedule to return the actual schedule of maximum weight, not just the weight itself.

The Knapsack Problem

Knapsack Motivation

In weighted interval scheduling each request had:

  • start time
  • end time
  • value

Goal: to service set of non-overlapping requests to maximize total value

Relaxation. Requests have

  • duration
  • value

Each request can be scheduled at any time $\leq B$

Knapsack Problem


  1. A set $R$ of $n$ requests, each having
    • duration (weight) $b_r$
    • value $v_r$
  2. Total time (weight) budget $B$

Output: A set $S$ of requests to service with

  1. sum of durations of requests in $S$ is at most $B$
  2. sum of values of requests is maximized

Constrained Optimization Problem

  • maximize $\sum_{r \in S} v_r$ subject to $\sum_{r \in S} b_r \leq B$


Recurrence Relation?

Previous technique. Express relationship between optimal solutions that

  1. service the final request $r_n$
  2. do not service final request $r_n$

Question. How can we express this relationship for the knapsack problem?

A Recurrence Relation

Subtlety. Must keep track of remaining budget

  • if $r_n$ is not serviced, remaining budget is $B$
  • if $r_n$ is serviced, remaining budget is $B - b_n$

Definition. For $j = 0, 1, \ldots, n$, $\opt(j, C)$ is optimal value of set of requests from $1, 2, \ldots, j$ with budget $C$.

Question. Recursion relation for $\opt(n, B)$ depending on whether or not we include request $r_n$?

Computing Optimal Values

Assume. All durations $b_i$ are integers at most $B$.

  • we will revisit this assumption later

Compute. To compute $\opt(n, B)$:

  • Generate a two dimensional array max where max[j, C] stores the value $\opt(j, C)$


  1. How to initialize max?
  2. How to update max?



  FindMax(R, n, B):
    max <- new 2d array of dimensions n+1, B+1
    set max[0, C] <- 0 for C = 0 to B
    for j from 1 to n
      (b, v) <- i-th request in R
      for C from 0 to B
        if b <= C then 
          max[j, C] <- Max(v + max[j-1, C-b], max[j-1,C])
          max[j, C] <- max[j-1, C]
    return max[n, B]


Claim. For all $j$ and $C$, $\max[j, C] = \opt(j, C)$

Proof. Induction on $j$.

Base case $j = 0$. Optimal subset of size $0$ has value $0$.

Inductive step $j \implies j+1$.

  • suppose claim true for all $i \leq j$
  • consider two possibilities:
    1. request $j+1$ is in optimal subset $S$

      $\opt(j+1, C) = v_{j+1} + \opt(j, C - b_{j+1}) = v_{j+1} + \max[j, C - b_{j+1}]$

    2. request $j+1$ is not in optimal subset $S$

      $\opt(j+1, C) = \opt(j, C) = \max[j, C]$

Running Time?

  FindMax(R, n, B):
    max <- new 2d array of dimensions n+1, B+1
    set max[0, C] <- 0 for C = 0 to B
    for j from 1 to n
      (b, v) <- i-th request in R
      for C from 0 to B
        if b <= C then 
          max[j, C] <- Max(v + max[j-1, C-b], max[j-1,C])
          max[j, C] <- max[j-1, C]
    return max[n, B]


For the knapsack problem with $n$ requests and budget $B$, we can find compute $\opt(n, B)$ in $O(B n)$ time.

  • assuming the duration of each request is an integer

For Next Time

Lecture 25 Ticket. Modify FindMax procedure to return the subset $S$ whose value is $\opt(n, B)$.