Lecture 05: Sorting by Divide and Conquer

COSC 311 Algorithms, Fall 2022

$ \def\compare{ {\mathrm{compare}} } \def\swap{ {\mathrm{swap}} } \def\sort{ {\mathrm{sort}} } \def\insert{ {\mathrm{insert}} } \def\true{ {\mathrm{true}} } \def\false{ {\mathrm{false}} } \def\BubbleSort{ {\mathrm{BubbleSort}} } \def\SelectionSort{ {\mathrm{SelectionSort}} } \def\Merge{ {\mathrm{Merge}} } \def\MergeSort{ {\mathrm{MergeSort}} } $


  1. Efficiency of Sorting
  2. Review of Big O
  3. Sorting by Divide and Conquer: MergeSort


Careful analysis of correctness of SelectionSort

01  SelectionSort(a):
02    n <- size(a)
03    for j = 1 to n - 1 do
04      min <- j
05      for i = j+1 to n do
06        if compare(a, min, i) 
07          min <- i
08        endif
09      endfor
10      swap(a, j, min)
11    endfor


Focus on efficiency

  • How many elementary operations does a procedure perform?

Questions about SelectionSort

01  SelectionSort(a):
02    n <- size(a)
03    for j = 1 to n - 1 do
04      min <- j
05      for i = j+1 to n do
06        if compare(a, min, i) 
07          min <- i
08        endif
09      endfor
10      swap(a, j, min)
11    endfor

How many comparisons?

How many swaps?

How many “elementary” operations (including arithmetic)?

Abstracting Away Unknowns

Uncertain Parameters:

  1. precise running times of elementary operations
  2. overhead associated with executing algorithm


  1. elementary operations take constant (but unknown) time
  2. overhead of starting computation is negligible for large inputs

Focus on asymptotic growth of # of operations as function of input size

Big O Notation

Qualitative measure of function growth:

  1. ignore constant factors
  2. ignore values on small inputs

Formally: $f$, $g$ functions, write $f = O(g)$ if

  • exists $C > 0$ and $N \geq 1$ such that
    • $f(n) \leq C g(n)$ for all $n \geq N$

Big O in Pictures

Properties of O

  1. all constants are $O(1)$
  2. if $f(n) \leq g(n)$ for all $n$, then $f = O(g)$
    • if $a \leq b$ then $n^a = O(n^b)$
    • if $a < b$ then $n^b \neq O(n^a)$
  3. if $f = O(g)$, then $a \cdot f = O(g)$
  4. if $f = O(g)$ and $g = O(h)$, then $f = O(h)$
  5. if $f, g = O(h)$, then $f + g = O(h)$
  6. if $f_1 = O(g_1)$ and $f_2 = O(g_2)$ then $f_1 \cdot f_2 = O(g_1 \cdot g_2)$

Running time of SelectionSort in O?

01  SelectionSort(a):
02    n <- size(a)
03    for j = 1 to n - 1 do
04      min <- j
05      for i = j+1 to n do
06        if compare(a, min, i) 
07          min <- i
08        endif
09      endfor
10      swap(a, j, min)
11    endfor

Faster Sorting?

Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer Strategy

Given a computational task:

  1. Divide the task into sub-tasks
    • smaller instances of same task
  2. Solve the sub-tasks recursively
  3. Combine solutions to solve original task


How could divide the sorting task into sub-tasks?

Sorting by D&C

  1. Divide by index
    • MergeSort
  2. Divide by value
    • QuickSort
  3. Divide by bit representation
    • RadixSort

Dividing by Index: MergeSort

As before, $a$ an array of size $n$

  • access/assignment by index (not just compare/swap)

MergeSort algorithm:

  1. divide $a$ into halves $m = (n+1) / 2$
  2. sort $a[1..m-1]$ recursively
  3. sort $a[m..n]$ recursively
  4. merge $a[1..m-1]$ and $a[m..n]$ to form sorted array


# sort values of a between indices i and j-1
MergeSort(a, i, j):
  if j - i = 1 then
  m <- (i + j) / 2

Illustration of MergeSort

Merge Procedure

Correctness of MergeSort

Establish two claims:

Claim 1 (merge). If $a[i..m-1]$ and $a[m..j]$ are sorted, then after $\Merge(a, i, m, j)$, $a[i..j]$ is sorted.

  • Argued on lecture ticket!

Claim 2. For any indices $i < j$, after calling $\MergeSort(a, i, j)$, $a[i..j]$ is sorted.

  • How to argue this? (assume Claim 1 is true…)

Pseudocode Again

00  # sort values of a between indices i and j-1
01  MergeSort(a, i, j):
02    if j - i = 1 then
03      return
04    endif
05    m <- (i + j) / 2
06    MergeSort(a,i,m)
07    MergeSort(a,m,j)
08    Merge(a,i,m,j)

Inductive Claim

Consider $\MergeSort(a, i, j)$, define $k = j - i$ to be size

$P(k)$: for every $k’ \leq k$, $\MergeSort(a, i, j)$ with size $k’$ succeeds

Base case $k = 1$:

Inductive step $P(k) \implies P(k+1)$:


How efficient is MergeSort?

00  # sort values of a between indices i and j-1
01  MergeSort(a, i, j):
02    if j - i = 1 then
03      return
04    endif
05    m <- (i + j) / 2
06    MergeSort(a,i,m)
07    MergeSort(a,m,j)
08    Merge(a,i,m,j)

Analyzing Running Time

00  # sort values of a between indices i and j-1
01  MergeSort(a, i, j):
02    if j - i = 1 then
03      return
04    endif
05    m <- (i + j) / 2
06    MergeSort(a,i,m)
07    MergeSort(a,m,j)
08    Merge(a,i,m,j)

Observation 1. Let $k = j - i$ be the size of the method call $\MergeSort(a, i, j)$. Then running time is $O(k) + $ running time of recursive calls on lines 6-7.

Observation 2. Recursive calls have size $k / 2$.

Combining Observations

Recall Logarithms (base 2)

Define $\log$ by

  • $\log a = b \iff 2^b = a$

Another way

  • $\log a$ is # times $a$ can be divided by $2$ to get (at most) $1$.


  1. For every constant $c > 0$, $\log n = O(n^c)$.
  2. $\log n \neq O(1)$.

A Final Calculation

  • Running time $T(n)$ of $\MergeSort(a, 1, n+1)$:

    \[\begin{align*} T(n) &= 2 T(n/2) + O(n)\\ &= 4 T(\frac n 4) + 2 O(\frac n 2) + O(n)\\ &= 8 T(\frac n 8) + 4 O(\frac n 4) + 2 O(\frac n 2) + O(n)\\ &\vdots\\ &= n T(1) + \frac n 2 O(2) + \cdots + 8 O(\frac n 8) + 4 O(\frac n 4) + 2 O(\frac n 2) + O(n)\\ &= O(n) + O(n) + \cdots + O(n) + O(n) + O(n)\\ &{}\\ &= \end{align*}\]

Coming Up

  1. More Divide and Conquer Sorting!
  2. Can we sort even faster?!