Lecture 20: Lock-free and Bounded Queues

Last Time

  1. Introduced Pool interface:
    • void put(T item)
    • T get()
  2. Gave lock-based queue implementation
    • lock enq and deq methods (not nodes)


  1. Finish up lock-based queue
  2. Implement lock-free queue
  3. Discuss a bounded queue

Unbounded Queue in Pictures

Dequeue 1: Aquire deqLock

Dequeue 2: Get Element (or Exception)

Dequeue 3: Update head

Dequeue 4: Release Lock

Enqueue 1: Make Node

Enqueue 2: Acquire enqLock

Enqueue 3: Update tail.next

Enqueue 4: Update tail

Enqueue 5: Release Lock

Unbounded Logic

Easy to reason about:

  • concurrent calls to enq
    • one acquires enqLock
    • others wait
  • concurrent calls to deq
    • one acquires deqLock
    • others wait

What about concurrent calls to enq/deq?

  • Ever an issue?

Concurrent enq/deq

  • Okay if queue is not empty
    • head and tail refer to different nodes
    • no concurrent modification
  • What if queue is empty?

Concurrent Subtlety

Concurrent Subtlety

  • deq checks for head.next
  • enq updates tail.next (= head.next)

Who wins?

Linearizing enq()

    public void enq (T value) {
	try {
	    Node nd = new Node(value);
	    tail.next = nd;
	    tail = nd;
	} finally {

Linearizing deq()

    public T deq() throws EmptyException {
	T value;
	try {
	    if (head.next == null) {
		throw new EmptyException();
	    value = head.next.value;
	    head = head.next;
	} finally {

	return value;

Something to Consider

enq linearizes to

tail.next = nd
  • this happens before tail is updated

deq linearizes to

head.next == null
  • this happens before head is updated


  • head and tail don’t always point to first (predecessor) and last items in the queue

Why is this not a problem?

Why is this not a problem?

head and tail don’t always point to first (predecessor) and last items in the queue?

Not a problem because

  • Nodes lock enq/deq operations
  • tail/head updated before lock released
  • only enq cares about tail value
    • other enqueuers don’t modify until after tail updated
  • only deq cares about head value
    • other dequeuers don’t modify until after head udpated
  • crisis averted

What is the Next Question?

…we’ve got a queue with locks…

Can We Make a Lock-free Queue?

Use AtomicReferences for head/tail/next

  • can atomically verify/update fields with compareAndSet
  • e.g. for enq
    Node nd = new Node(item);
    Node last = tail.get();
    Node next = last.next.get();
    if (next == null) {
      if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) {
          tail.compareAndSet(last, node);	 

The subtelty

  • Cannot modify both tail and tail.get().next atomically
  • At some point, tail will not refer to last node in list
  • Without locks, other threads will be able to see this!

The Challenge

enq and deq must function properly even if:

  1. head and tail don’t point where they should
  2. other enq and deq operations are in progress
    • partially complete method calls

An Idea

Clean up each others’ messes!

  • Call to enq can detect if tail isn’t correct
    • tail.get().next != null
  • If this occurs, update tail:
    Node last = tail.get();
    Node next = last.next.get();
    if (next != null) {
      tail.compareAndSet(last, next);

Threads helping each other!


public class LockFreeQueue<T> implements SimpleQueue<T> {
    private AtomicReference<Node> head;
    private AtomicReference<Node> tail;
    public LockFreeQueue() {
	Node sentinel = new Node(null);
	this.head = new AtomicReference<Node>(sentinel);
	this.tail = new AtomicReference<Node>(sentinel);

    public void enq(T item) {...}

    public T deq() throws EmptyException {...}
    class Node {
	public T value;
	public AtomicReference<Node> next;
	public Node(T value) {
	    this.value = value;
	    this.next  = new AtomicReference<Node>(null);

Lock-free Enqueue Method

    public void enq(T item) {
	if (item == null) throw new NullPointerException();
	Node node = new Node(item);

	while (true) {
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = last.next.get();

	    if (last == tail.get()) {

		if (next == null) {

		    if (last.next.compareAndSet(next, node)) {
			tail.compareAndSet(last, node);
		} else {
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);

Lock-free Dequeue Method

    public T deq() throws EmptyException {
	while (true) {
	    Node first = head.get();
	    Node last = tail.get();
	    Node next = first.next.get();
	    if (first == head.get()) {
		if (first == last) {
		    if (next == null) {
			throw new EmptyException();
		    tail.compareAndSet(last, next);
		} else {
		    T value = next.value;
		    if (head.compareAndSet(first, next))
			return value;


Let’s test the implementations!