Lecture 08: Concurrent Objects 3
- Sequential Consistency
- Linearizability
- Progress Conditions
Last Time
What is “correct” behavior for a concurrent execution of a data structure?
Two Natual Desiderata
Method calls/responses consistent with some sequential execution
Method calls can be ordered such that:
they are consistent with program order
- if a single thread calls
before methodTwo()
, then methodOne()
$\to$ methodTwo()
in sequential execution
pre/post conditions for each method call satisfy data structure’s sequential specification
Such executions are sequentially consistent
An execution is sequentially consistent if all method calls can be ordered such that:
- they are consistent with program order
- they meet object’s sequential specification
An implementation of an object is sequentially consistent if it guarantees every execution is sequentially consistent
What are possible outcomes of deq()
calls in a sequentially consistent execution?
Sequential Consistency is Weak
- Method calls can appear interleaved in any order that maintains program order
- No guarantees for “real time” order
- (partially) order methods w.r.t. real time
Sequential Consistency is Nonblocking
Consider concurrent execution:
- Pending method call (invoked, but no response yet)
- Then: exists a response that can be made immediately that does not violate SC
It is possible to achieve SC without needing to wait for response from other pending methods
- May still be difficult to figure out which response will give SC execution
Nonblocking Example
A Subtler Issue
Suppose we have a program two queues, p
and q
- Implementation of queue guarantees sequentially consistency
Must an execution of a program with p
and q
be sequentially consistent?
An Execution
Sequentially Consistent for p
Sequentially Consistent for q
But is Execution SC?
Sequential Consistency is not Compositional
A property $\mathcal{P}$ is compositional if
- Whenever all objects in system satisfy $\mathcal{P}$, then system satisfies $\mathcal{P}$
Previous example shows:
- Sequential consistency is not compositional
Sequential Consistency Is…
- …Maybe the weakest reasonble guarantee we could expect of a concurrent implementation of an object
- …Potentially allows for a lot of parallelism
- SC is a nonblocking property
- …Not compositional
- a system made of SC components need not be SC!