Lab 09: Fork-Join Pools


Feedback on final project proposals in next few days!


  1. Divide and Conquer & Recursion
  2. Fork-Join Pools
  3. Activity: Analyzing Behavior

Divide and Conquer

Many computation problems can be solved efficiently by:

  1. Breaking an instance into two or more smaller instances
  2. Solving the smaller instances (maybe recursively)
  3. Combining the smaller solutions to solve the original instance

Example 1: Searching Unsorted Array

  • Given int[] arr of size N
  • Does arr contain 1?
  • Idea:
    1. divide arr in half
    2. search left half for 1
    3. serach right half for 1
    4. return true if step 1 or 2 succeeds

Example 2: MergeSort

  • Given int[] arr of size N
  • Sort arr in increasing order
  • Idea:
    1. divide arr in half
    2. sort left half
    3. sort right half
    4. merge sorted halves

Other Examples

  • Other sorting algorithms
    • QuickSort
  • Multiplying large numbers
  • Multiplying matrices
    • Strassen’s algorithm
  • Computing Fourier transforms


Divide-and-conquer often lends itself well to parallelism:

  1. Divide instance into smaller instances
  2. Solve smaller instances in parallel
  3. Combine solutions

Fork-Join Pools


  • A thread pool with efficient support for forking:
    • divide a task into two or more sub-tasks
    • complete sub-tasks
    • combine solutions (if necessary)
  • Naturally lends itself to recursion

Fork/Merge Diagram: Merge Sort

Creating a Fork-Join Pool

Creating a Fork-Join Pool is easy!

  • tasks are invoked in FJP
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(POOL_SIZE);
pool.invoke(new SomeTask(...));

Recursive Actions

Tasks without return values = recursive action

  • extend RecursiveAction class
  • override compute() method

MergeSort as RecursiveAction

import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction;

class MSTask extends RecursiveAction {
    public MSTask (double[] data, int min, int max) {
    protected void compute () {
        if (max - min <= 1) {
        int mid = min + (max - min) / 2
        MTask left = new MTask(data, min, mid);
        MTask right = new MTask(data, mid, max);
        right.fork(); // or can use right.compute()
        right.join(); // leave out if right.compute()
        merge(data, min, mid, max);
    void merge (double[] data, int min, int mid, int max) {

Invoke with pool.invoke(new MTask(data, 0, data.length))


Often Fork-Join pools are not as efficient you’d like them to be

To deal with this:

  • Use large “base case”
    • don’t waste multithreading breaking up small tasks
  • Only use on large instances

Still FJPs can lead to elegant solutions, readable code

Recursive Task

What if we want tasks to return a value?

  • Use RecursiveTask<T>!
    • task returns a value of type T
    • similar to RecursiveAction except compute() returns a T
  • pool.invoke(someRecursiveTask<T>) now also returns a T
  • join() method also returns a T

A Simple Example

Finding the maximum value in an unsorted array

  • What is a task?
  • How to combine results?


class MaxTask extends RecursiveTask<Double> {
    public static int PARALLEL_LIMIT = MaxFinder.DATA_SIZE / 1000;
    double[] data;
    int min;
    int max;
    public MaxTask (double[] data, int min, int max) { = data;
	this.min = min;
	this.max = max;

    protected Double compute () {
	if (max - min <= PARALLEL_LIMIT) {
	    return findMax();

	MaxTask left = new MaxTask(data, min, min + (max - min) / 2);
	MaxTask right = new MaxTask(data, min + (max - min) / 2, max);


	double l = left.compute();
	double r = right.join();

	return Math.max(l, r); 

    private Double findMax() {
	double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;

	for (int i = min; i < max; ++i) {
	    if (maxValue < data[i]) {
		maxValue = data[i];

	return maxValue;

The Competition

    public static double findMax(double[] data) {
	double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;

	for (int i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; ++i) {
	    if (max < data[i]) {
		max = data[i];

	return max;

An Activity

Compare the run-times of the two methods!

  1. Is there a value of DATA_SIZE for which MaxTask is faster?
  2. What values of PARALLEL_LIMIT give better performance?


  • everything about Java is optimized to execute code like findMax efficiently
  • fork-join pools are better suited for more complex tasks…
    • …like sorting
    • you’ll experience this in the next lab assignment!


What did you find?

Lab 05: Our Last Lab

Simple problem:

  • Given a large array of doubles, sort it as quickly as possible
  • Use Arrays.sort(...) as a baseline

Details to follow…