Lecture 10: Object Inheritance


  1. Object Inheritance
  2. Abstract Classes
  3. Activity: Abstract Shapes


  • Used classes to represent types of objects
  • Instances interacted, but no relationships between object types

Starting today

  • Inheritance—relationships between object types

A simple class

    public class Person {
      private String name;           // an individual's name
      public Person (String name) {
        this.name = name; 
      public String getName() {return name;}
      public void sayGreeting () {System.out.println(name + ": Hello there!");}

A slightly less simple class

    public class Student {
      private String name;           // an individual's name
      private String institution;

      public Student (String name, String institution) {
        this.name = name; 
        this.institution = institution;
      public String getName() {return name;}
      public void sayGreeting () {System.out.println(name + ": What's Up?");}

Redundant code!

    public class Student {
      private String name;                               // same as Person
      private String institution;
      public Student (String name, String institution) {
        this.name = name;                                // same as Person
        this.institution = institution;
      public String getName() {return name;}             // same as Person
      public void sayGreeting () {System.out.println(name + ": What's Up?");}


Why should we make a whole new class just to make minor modifications to the Person class?

  • Add institution field
  • Change constructor arguments
  • Change greeting

We shouldn’t!

Subclasses to the rescue

Given Person, we can make a subclass Student that

  1. adds functionality (stores institution)
  2. modifies functionality (changes greeting)

Keyword extends

Making Student a subclass:

public class Student extends Person {
    private String institution;
    public Student (String name, String institution) {
        super(name); // call the constructor for the superclass
        this.institution = institution;
    public void sayGreeting () {System.out.println(name + ": What's up?");}

But there’s an error!

    Student.java:10: error: name has private access in Person
        public void sayGreeting () {System.out.println(name + ": What's up?");}
    1 error

The reason

  • private variables and methods cannot be called from subclasses

Two fixes

  • use the getter method getName()
  • change name to protected
    • some consider risky: all classes in same directory can access protected methods/variables

Using the subclass

    Student alice = new Student("Alice", "Amherst College");
    Person bob = new Person("Bob");
    alice.sayGreeting();    // prints "Alice: What's up?"
    bob.sayGreeting();      // prints "Bob: Hello there!"

Abstracting Away the Details

Bouncing Disks

public class BouncingDisk {
    public static final int DEFAULT_RADIUS = 25;
    private Pair curPosition;      // position of the center
    private Pair curVelocity;      // disk velocity (px / sec)
    private Pair nextPosition;     // position in next frame
    private Pair nextVelocity;     // velocity in next frame    
    private double radius;
    private Color color;
    private World world;           // the world to which the disk belongs
    public BouncingDisk(World world, double radius, Color color, Pair position, Pair velocity) {
	this.world = world;
	this.radius = radius;
	this.color = color;
	curPosition = new Pair(position);
	curVelocity = new Pair(velocity);
	nextPosition = new Pair(position);
	nextVelocity = new Pair(velocity);

    public void update (double time) {
	Pair delta = curVelocity.times(time);

    public void advance () {

    public void setPosition(Pair p){

    public void setVelocity(Pair v){

    public void draw(Graphics g) {
	g.fillOval( (int) (curPosition.getX() - radius),
		    (int) (curPosition.getY() - radius),
		    (int) (2 * radius), (int) (2 * radius));


    private void bounce() {
        // more code here


  1. How much of this code is specific to drawing a disk?
  2. What would need to change to draw another shape?

Bouncing Shapes


  1. Store width and height (instead of radius)
  2. Make position, velocity, etc protected so subclasses can see these fields
  3. Declare but don’t implement the draw(Graphics g) method
    • need to make class and method abstract

Note. We cannot make instances of of abstract classes, but we can define subclasses that are not abstract.

Abstract Bouncing Shapes

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;

public abstract class BouncingShape {
    public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 25;
    public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 25;    
    protected Pair curPosition;      // position of the center
    protected Pair curVelocity;      // disk velocity (px / sec)
    protected Pair nextPosition;     // position in next frame
    protected Pair nextVelocity;     // velocity in next frame    
    protected double width;
    protected double height;
    protected Color color;
    protected World world;           // the world to which the disk belongs
    public BouncingShape(World world, double width, double height, Color color, Pair position, Pair velocity) {
	this.world = world;
	this.width = width;
	this.height = height;
	this.color = color;
	curPosition = new Pair(position);
	curVelocity = new Pair(velocity);
	nextPosition = new Pair(position);
	nextVelocity = new Pair(velocity);

    public void update (double time) {
	Pair delta = curVelocity.times(time);

    public void advance () {

    public void setPosition(Pair p){

    public void setVelocity(Pair v){

    public abstract void draw(Graphics g);

    protected void bounce() {
        if (nextPosition.getX() - width / 2 <= 0){
            nextPosition.setX(width / 2);
        } else if (nextPosition.getX() + width / 2 >= world.getWidth()){
            nextPosition.setX(world.getWidth() - width / 2);
        if (nextPosition.getY() - height / 2 <= 0){
            nextPosition.setY(height / 2);
        } else if (nextPosition.getY() + height / 2 >=  world.getHeight()) {
            nextPosition.setY(world.getHeight() - height / 2);