List Insertion Times

Inserting in Front

Linked List Front Insertion

Inserting at Random

Front and Random Insertion Times

Code for Linked List Add

    public void add(int i, E x) {	

    Node<E> nd = new Node<E>();
	nd.value = x;

	if (i == 0) { = this.head;
	    this.head = nd;
	} else {
	    Node<E> pred = getNode(i - 1);	    
	    Node<E> succ =; = nd; = succ;


Code for Linked List getNode

    private Node<E> getNode(int i) {
	// check if i is a valid index
	if (i < 0 || i >= size) return null;
	Node<E> cur = head;

	// find the i-th successor of the head
	for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
	    cur =;

	return cur;	

Code for Array Add

    public void add(int i, E x) {
	if (size == capacity) {


	Object cur = x;
	for (int j = i; j < size; ++j) {
	    Object next = contents[j];
	    contents[j] = cur;
	    cur = next;

Code for increaseCapacity

    private void increaseCapacity() {
	// create a new array with larger capacity
	Object[] bigContents = new Object[capacity + 1];

	// copy contents to bigContents
	for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
	    bigContents[i] = contents[i];

	// set contents to refer to the new array
	contents = bigContents;

	// update this.capacity accordingly
	capacity = capacity + 1;